Avante Garde, King Street, Glasgow = 8.30 - late
Bob Leslie started the evening with the ballad "Mr Beaujangles" then a John Morris song "Empire" then "Me & Kenny" followed by two of his own songs "Rogues" and then "One size don't fit all".
Bob then got
Alan and Marie Sinclair from the group Penny Black who started with a Joan Armatrading song "Love and Affection" followed by a John Pride song "Sam Stone" and then they finished with a Credence Clearwater Revival song "As long as I can see the light".
Elspeth Durkin was asked up next and she sang "Come by the hills" then "Will you still love me tomorrow" and finishing with a duet with Bob of "Love Hurts".
Next up was
Ryan Morecombe who sang one of his own songs then a Joan Baez song "Donna Donna" finishing with "Closer".
Arge was the next performer - giving us a performance of a couple of his own songs on his electric guitar.
Next up was
Bernadette Collier, with Bob joining in on "Angel from Montgomery", then "Dance me to the end of Love" and finishing with a Hazel O'Connor song "Will you".
Our next performer comes all the way from Graamsay in Orkney,
Andrew Mowat who performed "Thw town I love so well" then "Scapa flow" and finally "Ring of Fire".
John Morrison had arrived by this time and he got up to perform three songs including "I never really wrote this song" and "Bourbon".
Bob then sang some one of his newest songs "Don't go climbing Everest" [aka the Mousie song], then "Stand up Caledonia" finally a Steve Earle song "(I can't remember) If we said goodbye".
Andrew then gave us a shetland tune called "Margaret" then a song "Kirkwall Bay" and finishing with "The Gambler".
Bob then asked
Elspeth back up to sing "Autumn Leaves" and "After the Goldrush",
The evening finished off with
Bob and Bernadette performing "White Flag".