Thursday 8 November 2007

17th October 2007

Bob Leslie was taking tonight session as Sandy was down in London. He started the evening off with a Lowell George [Little Feat] song 'Willin'.' First up was Elaine and Ian with 'Yellow Taxi' by Joni Mitchell and then an Aretha Franklin song 'Do-right woman'
Andy Logan was next and he gave us 'Blue eyes cryin in the rain' followed by 'The games people play'. Jerry Dickson was next with a bottle blues slide tune 'Wake up Mama' played on his own dobro guitar. He followed that with'Ain't nobody's business'.
Joe MacAtamy was next with 'Annie McKelvie' and then 'I'll lay ye doon, love'
Nxt up we had an Orcadian, all the way from Kirkwall, Ally, who gave us an excellent instrumental display using slide and finger picking techniques.
Stevie Osbourne was then up with Eastender Blues [with Bob Leslie on guitar] and then his daughter Laura Osbourne came up and performed 'Mssing you' and her own song 'Sorry'. Gavin Watt then gave us a Neil Young song - 'Old laughing lady' followed by 'You don't dance the techno anymore'. Cheryl Campbell then got up and gave us a couple of Damien Rice songs including 'Cold Water', followed by her father George, who gave us 'Cod liver oil and the Orange Juice'. Then Sandy introduced John McDonald [ as e said the McDonalds were always after the Cambells!] - John gave us 'Bright lights' and then 'a Little lonely tonight'.
Ronnie Simpson - our resident champion weightlifter, then sang 'The Green fields of France' and was followed by Ally, the Orcadian, giving us a slide instrumental.
Andy and Izzy then got up on stage and Izzy sang 'I love you' followed by 'Cabaret'.
Ian and Elaine were next on stage to perform 'I need your love so bad' and were followed by Cheryl singing an Annie Lennox song 'Why'.
Ian Adie then gave us 'Aurora Borealis'
followed by Laura with the Steeler's wheel song 'Stuck in the middle'.
Joe MacAtamy then performed his version of 'Fancy Free' and the evening was finished off by Bob Leslie, with Elspeth Durkin on harmonies, singing the Little Feat song 'Dixie Chicken'.

Unfortunately, I did not have my camera this evening [battery died just before the night commenced] so there are no photos of the performers this evening.

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